Ok, it's here! The Ultimate Blog Party 2010 over at 5 Minutes for Mom!
This is my first year participating and I am sooo excited to get to blog-hop over to the other party-goers blogs and check them out. What a neat way to get to know more of the blogging community. And there are some really wonderful bloggers out there to get to know!
Allow me to introduce myself.
I'm Shannon, 37 (yes, I'll admit my age online), a Christian, homeschooling mom of three, from California. Laina (Lulu) is 13 and in 7th grade, Blake (Blakester) is 9 and in 4th grade, and Connor (Conman) is 7 and in 2nd grade. The other little girl in the pic is my 7 yr old niece Delaney who gets to hang out with us on her school breaks.
I've been married to my wonderful husband, Robert for almost 18 years. If you ask him what his role in our homeschool is, he will tell you, "I stay out of her way."
I scrapbook, and I am currently working on an album of our visits to Texas, where we also have a home. We are planning on making our move there this summer.
I don't watch a lot of t.v., but when I do, my favorites are The Biggest Loser, Hoarders, CSI and Supernanny.
Country and Christian music are my tunes of choice. Kenny Chesney and Chris Tomlin are my favorite artists. I like attending concerts and inspirational/motivational presentations, such as Women of Faith.
I tend to cook a lot of our food from scratch, as we try to follow the Feingold diet for Conman.
Disneyland is my favorite place to visit with my family. I'm not a big fan of leisure shopping, I enjoy White Chocolate Peppermint mocha's from Starbucks, and I have a huge sweet tooth.
All around, I'm an organizing, budgeting, blog-addicted, mom and wife, who follows the principles of Dave Ramsey and Flylady, who loves Christ and her family, and who does her best to make it through each day in this never dull household, usually by grace!
I hope you'll leave a comment and introduce yourself. I'd love to hear from you.
Hi there! I hopped on over by way of the UBP! I am Conni, (mrsmamahen.com) - homeschooling mom and army wife. So glad to meet you!
I'm a blog addicted wife too. I like what you said about your husband saying he just stays out of your way. You have a beautiful family cats included.
thanks so much for stopping by my blog...i adore your furbabies!!!and i'm so glad to find another mom's homeschool blog..we're just starting out.
I am glad I stopped at your great blog! I am a homeshool mom in Texas, but until last year we lived in California. I am also on THL just like you..It is great to meet new people through this blog party..Have a great weekend!
Hello! It's nice to meet you! I am another Christian homeschooling mom! (can you believe all the homeschooling blogs out there? I never knew there were so many!!) Anyway, hope you have fun at the party!! :)
Were we hatched out of the same egg? Hardly seems possible that we could have so much in common. Yes, Charlotte Mason (when the kids were little), yes, biggest loser and super nanny, yes white mocha peppermint...food from scratch, yes. Oh my..
Great to meet you from the UBP! I am very interested in Homeschooling, but am not sure I can do it! philosophically I am 100% in, but I admit my heart just hasn't jumped in yet. Any books you'd recommend to stir my heart towards homeschooling. I admit my toddler/preschool days with my 3 little llamas just wears me out and I have a hard time imagining homeschooling. And i feel terribly guilty about that.
Would love you to visit Little Llamas!
My Party Post!
Hello. I found your blog through the UBP. I'm also a Christian home schooling mom. Looks like we have a clique going here. :) I'm glad I stopped by for a visit. Enjoy the party.
Hi there! Checking in from the UBP! Fellow Christian and homeschooler - I'm excited to connect with others like me!
Nice to meet you, following you from 2010 UBP, I invite you to follow my Christian homeschooling blog back!
Have a great weekend - enjoy the party! :)
It's nice to find another homescholing blog at this party. I am your newest follower.
Hi! I'm popping in from UBP! How lovely that you homeschool. I had that privilege with my own daughters when they were young (my older daughter, now 19 from kingergarten - 4th grade, my younger daughter, now 17 from kindgergarten to second grade.) I LOVED the Charlotte Mason method! :)
Hi, I'm visiting via the Ultimate Blog Party. Love your blog. I started homeschooling my eldest in January and loving it!
Hi there! Just popping in from UBP to be your newest Google Follower! Hooray! Hope you're having an awesome weekend. Swing by my blog!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
Thanks for visiting my blog! I've enjoyed visiting yours! Have fun at the UBP!!
Hi, Shannon! It's so nice to meet you. I'm a Christian homeschooling mom, too. In fact, I can't believe how much we have in common. I use an eclectic approach to homeschooling, I love Disney, I don't like shopping. And I love to cook from scratch. I even make my own Starbuck's drinks at home! Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Oh yes, I do believe we have much in common! Electic CM- right up my ally! Christian, uh-huh! Oh, and a whole bunch more! Now following and can't wait to see what I can learn from you!
Stopping over from UBP10 to say HI! Great blog! I am your newest follower.
Cruising through from the UBP to say hi :)
Toot Tootin' my #UBP10 Party Horn on your blog!!!!!
Hope you are meeting new bloggers and havin' a great time! We homeschool, too! It is our 4th year!
Party on!!!
@Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com
I'm stopping by from the UBP!
We also homeschool and love it. Isn't it such a blessing.
Come on by and enter my giveaway for $50 Amazon giftcard.
I found a lot of similarities in our personalities from your last paragraph there! :) I'll be back again! :)
I’m a homeschooling SAHM of two littles (3 and 1.5). I’m a born-again Christian, and I’m currently getting my MA in Ministry! I'm not your typical "Mommy Blogger", but I love reading them just the same. Just stopping by during the UBP! Happy Partying! :)
Nice to meet you. You have a beautiful family. I'm about to start homeschooling my oldest daughter who will be in kindergarten this fall. I have 2 girls -- 1 year and 4 years. If you get a chance please visit my blog -- Teen Lit Review. We are doing a book giveaway.
Visiting by way of UBP 2010 from http://imalazymom.blogspot.com/2010/04/welcome.html
Nice to "meet" you!
stopping by from the UBP...with the exception of the Disney vacations I could have written this post :) So nice to 'meet' you and Hi from your newest follower
Stopping by for the UBP, I'm a homeschooling mother also. It is fun, but lots of work. My oldest is graduating next year, and I'm trying to figure out what comes after homeschooling!
Hey! Visiting from the UBP! Hope you are having a great time @ the party! Great to meet more homeschoolers!
Come by and visit my blog and enter the great giveaways when you get a chance!
Following your blog now!
God bless!
Hi, I am here from UBP :o) Nice to meet you, it's always nice to find another homeschool family. I love coffee, books, scrapbooking, organizing and God too! You have a beautiful family and if you want to check out our little homeschool family feel free to swing by and say hi www.livingwordacademy.blogspot.com
Great post! We have much in common. I, too, have 3 children that I homeschool - I love to read, cook, and go to Disney (World) - we're on the east coast. Hope you'll stop by and visit my blog. http://heidi-strawser.blogspot.com
Hi! I'm just hopping over from the UBP 2010! I enjoyed peeking around your blog. I look forward to stopping back by here.
Hi Shannon, Just stopping by from UBP! I'm also a Christian homeschooling mom of 3 (ages 16, 15 and 13). You'll find me on THL in the Relaxed Homeschooler's Group. We just got back from a trip to Texas and can't wait to return!Blessings!:)
Hi I'm Carolee and I visiting from The Ultimate Blog Party!
I am also a homeschooling, blog-crazy, country loving (Toby!) momma! I also have a sweet tooth-chocolate donuts, cookies, milk -chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!
We are quite eclectic as well in homeschooling.
Have a great time blog-hopping.
It's so great to find another homeschooler here at the UBP! Love your blog and will be following you. :)
Hi Shannon,
We have some things in common I see. I'm also 37 and a Christian homeschooling mom but of two. Reading is my passion and I also don't watch much TV. It's nice to meet you. Enjoy the rest of the party!
Hello! Another homeschooling mama here dropping in to say hi from the UBP! There are so many of us out there, many more than I could have ever dreamed! I hope you've enjoyed the party and that you have a blessed day!
Hi, coming over from the UBP. I'm a homeschool mother of 3 and I enjoy seeing the blogs of other homeschoolers.
Hi from another Christian homeschool (Charlotte Mason-style) momma! Your children are beautiful. :^) I'm going to bookmark you and come back once the hubbub of the UBP is over. I hope you can stop by my place (#225), too: http://tinahollenbeck.blogspot.com/2010/04/2010-ultimate-blog-party.html.
Hi, stopping by whilst on the UBP tour. Nice to meet ya-we homeschool too! Have fun at the party.
So glad to find your blog. Still running the title through my mind... love that. I am a rather eclectic homeschooling mama to two little men. We try to eat whole, organic food and enjoy grinding our own grain. I am writing a ten-part series Cooking Up Curriculum for The Old Schoolhouse Facebook page. I hope we'll grow to share ideas! :)
What a beautiful fam! Including your furry kids...that fluffy cat is adorable!! :D
Hope you had fun at the Ultimate Blog Party! I know its over but I'm still partying and visiting some new blogs! :)
Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab a free tutu making lesson! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
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